donderdag 18 oktober 2012

October 2012, Army Styles; first blog

Well, my first blog ever. About fashion!
First I will tell you something about myself, my name is Eva, I'm 13 years old (almost 14!) and I'm from Holland. Yes, that country with tulips and windmills. I just L.O.V.E. fashion and shopping, so I started this blog to keep the fashion alive. In this blog I will place things I like, so my style. But not only my style, I will also post Haute Couture clothing and things I like from famous designers. That I post ''my style'' is because most of us can't pay Louis Vuitton or something. In most of the ''my style''-posts will stand clothing from Zara, H&M, pieces, New Yorker and Primark. Clothing we all can afford. If you looked in the Zara last month (and this month too), you probebly have seen this; ARMY PRINTS EVERYWHERE. And hell yeah I'm happy with that, cause I just LOVE army prints. You can put it on/under everything. A army pants for example; even if you just put a white shirt over it it stands great. So my advice for now is; go to the Zara, and buy a lot of army things there!

Shirts from Zara, left 25,95 ; right 39,95

Pants from Zara 39,95

Even Chanell uses the army affection (too expensive)

fashion, winter, trends
Also stars wear it :)

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